• What do I do if I filled out an application without creating an account and haven’t received a confirmation code yet?
    1. This APPLICATION route was created by unemployment to collect information when there is a high volume. It does not create an account.
    2. You MUST wait for the confirmation code to move forward – if it has taken more than a week, there may be something in question in your application. An unemployment examiner will get back to you.
  • What do I do if I filled out an application without creating an account and received my confirmation number?
    1. Call Local 5 to get certified.
    2. Create an account with the information provided in your email.
    3. File your weekly claim certification.
  • What do I do if I created an account and have my confirmation number but the site is not letting me file a claim certification?
    1. If you just created an account, the site will not let you file your first claim certification within the same week. You will have to wait until the next week begins (Sunday).
  • Will I lose out on weeks I wasn’t able to file for because I did not have a confirmation number or create an account?
    1. No, you can still be considered for those weeks. You have to email the unemployment office with the weeks you missed.

Send email to your claims office (see below) BUT only after you created your account and received your confirmation numbers.


Claims Offices: PHONE: FAX: EMAIL
Oahu  (808) 586-8970  (808) 586-8980  dlir.ui.oahu@hawaii.gov
Hilo  (808) 974-4086  (808) 974-4085 [email protected]
Kona  (808) 322-4822  (808) 322-4828  [email protected]
Maui  (808) 984-8400  (808) 984-8444 [email protected]
Kauai (808) 274-3043  (808) 274-3046 [email protected]


  • What if I made a mistake on my application or weekly claim certification?
    1. This may be the reason for the delay in receiving your confirmation number.
    2. You can email the unemployment office to try to correct it but you have to wait until an examiner gets back to you to correct it and move forward in the process.
  • What do I do if I get notification from the unemployment office that something is incorrect?
    1. This may be because your employer sent the unemployment office incorrect information. They are contacting HR to correct the work status because you are “STILL EMPLOYED” – do not change your status from “STILL EMPLOYED.”
    2. This may also be because you input incorrect information. If they indicate correcting something other than “work status,” follow their instructions to correct the information. You may email them to correct it but you have to wait for a response.
  • What if my claim is denied/disqualified?
    1. You may have been deemed ineligible because of income you received that week.
    2. Insufficient quarters and wages in base period
    3. Your Employer may have sent the unemployment office incorrect information – see #5 above.
    4. You may have inputted incorrect information – see #5 above.
    5. You may have to file an appeal but that is based on your specific situation.
    6. No matter your situation, continue to file your weekly claim certification.


*Please remember that the unemployment week runs from Sunday to Saturday, and that each week you complete a “claim certification,” you are filing for the week prior.

*You can ONLY file online during these times: Monday through Friday: 6:30am-11:00pm and on Weekends/holidays: 9:00am-11:00pm by logging on at https://huiclaims.hawaii.gov/#/login

*For first time applicants and those just starting the process visit: https://www.unitehere5.org/applying-for-unemployment-benefits/


Resource list:

Unemployment office: https://labor.hawaii.gov/ui/contact/

  • Statewide reset password: 762-5751


Local 5: www.unitehere5.org