Hale Nani Strike: Day 2

13265959_1174222279278719_6974300511877474216_nYesterday, we had a strong presence on the picket lines and in the community.

We went downtown to leaflet and inform the community that we are on strike to stand up for our rights as workers. Many signed a petition in support of us.

We went to the State Capitol and asked our legislators to stand with us.

We passed out leaflets in front of the Mental Health Mahalo Awards at Ala Moana Hotel, which was sponsored by Avalon. Ala Moana Hotel banquet workers and Starbucks workers wore buttons in support of us.

We went door-to-door in the neighborhood around Hale Nani to talk to our neighbors about the strike.

United we stand, divided we fall!

View photos on our Facebook page.