Kaiser should take care of us, so we can take care of you!
Dear Kaiser Permanente Patients,
We are your hospital aides. We are your nurses. We are your lab technicians. We assist you at the front desk. We administer your lab tests. We give you the medicines and care you need to feel your best.
We are very proud of the work we do. We want to provide the best quality care that each patient expects and deserves. But we cannot give you the care that you deserve if Kaiser does not care for us. Kaiser should ensure that we are able to do our jobs properly by:
Giving us fair workloads & adequate staffing
We ask Kaiser to decrease the maximum number of patients that each hospital aide sees from 15 to 10, and stop having 1 hospital aide cover both the east and west sides of the hospital. We also ask management to schedule enough workers per shift in the MOA Environmental Services Department.
Allowing us to take vacations
Our MOA Specialties Department only allows 1 worker at a time to take vacation. Many other call centers allow at least 2 workers at a time. Because of the stress of our job, we need time to recuperate.
Respecting us
A manager in one of our labs is degrading and disrespecting her lab assistants. Kaiser should never tolerate workplace disrespect. We demand respect.
We want to give you the very best patient care. Kaiser should take care of their workers so that we take care of you. Mahalo!
–The workers of Kaiser Permanente Hawaii

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