Local 5 – Kaiser Permanente: Delay in 3% wage increase & retro-pay











Aloha Local 5 Kaiser Members,

It has been brought to the Union’s attention that on the most recent paystub (January 28, 2022) the amount may not reflect the 3% wage increase and the retro-pay we won in our new contract.

The Union has raised your concerns to KPHI HR.

The Employer has stated that it is working expeditiously to ensure all applicable ATBs and Retro pay are processed within the next 2-3 pay periods.

We are hopeful that this matter will be resolved prior to pay date: February 25th, March 11th.

Please contact National HR Service Center at 1-877-457-4772 and Union Representatives for further assistance.

The Union will provide any updates as we find them out.

In Solidarity ~ UNITE HERE Local 5