Kaiser Strike: Day 4 and Rally Reminder
TODAY: Rally for Healthcare Justice in Waikiki
Our Rally for healthcare justice is Thursday, February 5. We’ll start the march at 4:00p in front of The Modern Honolulu (Ala Moana Blvd. and Hobron Ln.) We’ll proceed past the Hilton, Hale Koa, and go down Kalakaua Ave. toward the Duke statue. We’ll begin our rally at the end of the march.
This rally is open to Local 5 members, members of other unions, and community supporters. Let’s show Kaiser that we will hold them accountable to treating workers, patients, and the communities right.
If you are parking at Aloha Stadium: Be there by 2:00p. Buses will take us to Waikiki.
If you are driving straight to Waikiki: Be at the sign-in table at Kalia Rd. by the Hilton Hawaiian Village by 3:45p.
Kaiser Strike: Day 4
Kaiser is saying that we are “purposely blocking patients” from entering. We all know this isn’t true. Kaiser knows the patients are on our side. They are trying to draw attention away from the fact that they’re the ones hurting patient care.
We continued to greet patients with aloha, welcoming them in. Many patients positively commented on how kind and organized we are.
Workers went to the State Capitol to talk to legislators. Kaiser is the largest HMO in the state. The state needs to hold Kaiser accountable to setting a good standard for healthcare in Hawai‘i. Many legislators fully support us and our strike.
Let’s finish strong. Let’s turn out big on Friday.
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