Before you fill out this form, please review these instructions carefully:

What is a victory?

  • Grievance wins
  • Shop floor campaigns (e.g. delegations, petitions, leafletting)
  • Contract enforcement

Best practices:

  • Plan in advance to report for your victory by:
    • Taking a photo as early as possible, e.g. when your grievant files their grievance, before or immediately after a delegation
    • Asking workers to sign media release form as soon as you take their photo
    • Writing the blurb to describe the grievance/campaign in the middle of the process. The worker(s) involved can even help you write the blurb
  • If a worker is scared to post their photo (e.g. fear of retaliation), agitate them on the importance of sharing our victories
  • You can share the victory in staff meeting and/or city-wide meetings before or after you submit this form. BUT if you do it before submitting this form, you have a ONE WEEK DEADLINE to submit your photo, media release, and the form below to Paola & Bryant

How to submit a victory:

  1. Get a photo of the worker(s) involved in the victory
    1. You can have the worker(s) send you a selfie, or you can take a photo of them
    2. If it is a group photo, people in the photo MUST be wearing masks and socially distancing as much as possible
  2. Ask the worker to submit a media release form
    1. We have a print version and an online version:
  3. Write 1-3 sentences describing the victory by filling out the form below
  4. Email or text Paola and Bryant the victory, photo, and printed media release form (if they didn’t do the online media release form):
    1. Paola: [email protected], 808-333-4782
    2. Bryant: [email protected], 808-546-0024