Ala Moana Hotel agrees to new contract

The Ala Moana Hotel negotiating committee voted unanimously to
recommend that their co-workers vote “YES” on this new contract.
Ala Moana Hotel union members achieved their most cherished goal this week. On April 16, management agreed to match the new hotel contract settled with the other major Local 5 hotels—and give additional raises each year! The extra raises bring Ala Moana wages back in line with the rest of the major hotels.
For 27 years, Ala Moana wages have been behind. For 27 years, Ala Moana workers have felt this was unfair.
“All these years, weʼve felt we were being treated second-class. In this contract, weʼve finally won! No more second class!” says Susanna Ramos, a seamstress at the hotel.
Under the terms of the new contract, Ala Moana workers will receive an extra wage increase each year until their wages catch up to those in other major hotels. In addition, management has agreed to make the sick leave provisions at Ala Moana match those in other hotels.
Also, Ala Moana workers donʼt have to worry about falling behind in the next contract—management has agreed in advance to match everything that Hilton workers get in the next contract, too.