Historic victory for Turtle Bay Resort workers and Hawai’i
With 241 voting yes, Turtle Bay Resort workers ratified a new union contract!
For decades, Turtle Bay workers fought for good, local jobs.
It meant fighting for better wages and benefits, since Turtle Bay workers had fallen behind the Waikiki standard.
It meant fighting against the development of condotels, timeshares, and non-union hotels. When we lose full-service hotel rooms, we lose jobs.
It meant fighting against the development with the community. Together, we formed the Defend Oahu Coalition to keep the country country and protect our good, local jobs.
With this new contract, Turtle Bay workers win big.
- Wages and benefits will be caught up to the Waikiki standard by 2023.
- We won’t be surrounded by non-union hotels bringing our standard down.
- And the contract protects against condo conversions, and we can strike over the issue in the future.
That means we now have more job security than any other Local 5 hotel. We have set a new standard for job security.
This is a huge victory for AiKea, which we founded based on the lessons learned from teaming up with the community in our fight at Turtle Bay.
This is a huge victory for Turtle Bay and for all of Hawai‘i.