Marriott Strike: Day 12 bulletin
View PDF version of Marriott Strike Day 12 bulletin here.
View all photos from Marriott Strike Day 11.
Our picket lines are stronger than ever and support from the community keeps on coming. Let’s keep the momentum going!
Leaders of the striking local unions are meeting with Marriott this week to discuss job security and other overarching bargaining issues. However, Kyo-ya has not scheduled local negotiations in Hawaii. The vast majority of proposals – wages, benefits, workload, staffing, and more – are discussed in local negotiations.
Victories and highlights from yesterday:
- Hundreds of strikers lined up on Kalakaua once again to show our unity and strength.
- 5 pastors from different faith traditions gathered with hundreds of strikers to offer communion and prayer.
- We passed out leaflets to the ADA attendees at their event at the Waikiki Shell to inform them about the strike and the fact that the company providing staff at the Waikiki Shell is HiEmployment. HiEmployment supplies scabs to the striking hotels.
- Last week, we delegated the Dean of the School of Travel Industry Management at UH Manoa. He responded that they do not take sides in labor disputes and will not recruit scabs. We’re invited to their next meeting to talk about the strike.
- We filed unfair labor practice charges against all 4 Kyo-ya Waikiki hotels for telling us not to leaflet on property.
News coverage:
- Honolulu Star-Advertiser: “Unexpected challenges to Hawaii tourism”
- The New York Times: “Marriott Workers Struggle to Pay Bills, and Credit Union Fees”
- Bloomberg Law: “Marriott Faces California Labor Inquiry as Workers Strike”
- The Christian Science Monitor: “Labor-union militancy revives, from hotels to schools and steel mills”
- ブログナビ!ちゃおハワイHawaii: “興味のあるカテゴリー記事(←21項目→)をお選びください!!”