Marriott Strike: Day 22 bulletin

View PDF version of Marriott Strike Day 22 bulletin here.

View all photos from Marriott Strike Day 21.

Negotiations Update: In the two days of local bargaining, we completed bargaining on banquets, restaurant/bar, bell and valet department issues. We also had a breakthrough in discussions about subcontracting, including advance notice to the Union before subcontracting, union or aribitrator’s approval needed to implement, and triple damages for violations. This movement on subcontracting is incredibly important for our job security. Talks continue today and tomorrow in Vegas. Obviously, we need to see what the company is prepared to do on housekeeping, automation, and our economics. Let’s keep raising the pressure! We are winning!!

Financial Difficulties? We are entering week 4 of the strike, and know that finances are getting tight. First step is to reach out directly to your financial institutions, landlord, etc. Many are willing to grant hardship waivers that don’t affect your credit. Some Kyo-ya strikers have already secured waivers. This is the MOST important step. If you still have difficulties, then visit a free financial advisor at Strike HQ, Monday, 10/29 from 1p-5p OR at the Hotel and Travel FCU, 8am-4:30p.

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” —Mattie Stepanek

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